Soul Tending: Recover & Discover
"aka Holiday Recovery and Discovering your truer self and what you need.
Service Description
So often, we give so much of ourselves, letting what is needed or required of us to take center stage. Join us for 4 sessions to recover from the busy times of fall and holiday stress and finding your way back to your own center, your own goals, and your own pace for change. January seems like the time our society decided was the right time to make huge changes, but what if we kept the momentum for change but acted on it in such a way that considered our own needs and the needs of winter, traditionally a time of slowing down and hibernation. This focused group will look to both recover self and discover new ways of igniting the change you wish for your life. These sessions will begin with a different grounding or mindfulness tool, then move into a piece of work on a specific topic, opportunity to discuss, and then a closing ritual. Each meeting will have a dedicated theme: Week One: "Return to Center" -Practices for bringing a focus to self rather than to/for others. Week Two: "Resourcing" -Ways to find resources (internal and external) to help you feel supported. Week Three: "Manifesting What is Needed"-Focusing on how to manifest what you need in a way that is different than the "push" of a new year's resolution. We will work with how to go with the season rather than against it to allow for more flow. Week Four: "Joy"- Increasing places for Joy and pleasure
Contact Details
5 Northern Boulevard, Amherst, NH, USA